The current shop labor rate is $100.00 per hour
Stator Rebuild Service Cost (All Stators, Mitsubishi & Hitachi) – $185.00, Includes USPS Priority Return Shipping
These services are provided in house – Simply mail in your stator & flywheel and I will mail it back out to you when completed. If looking for DIY engine parts, check out my parts store link on the top main menu
Stator Rebuild – 6v setups with point & condenser: I carry an array of parts to fully rebuild/repair your stators. I currently repair stators for the vintage Honda Z50, CT70, SL70, XL70, ATC70, CL70 setups only. I have all the correct parts to repair both the Hitachi and Mitsubishi stators. Please note…This is not a CDI ignition repair service. This is strictly for the vintage 6v stator with a point and condenser.
Full rebuilds will include cleaning of the plate and flywheel via wet vapor honing that results in a satin, natural aluminum sheen. New, aftermarket parts are installed as follows: Primary coil, secondary coil, point, condenser (exceptions are the SL70 & CL70 that do not mount the condenser on stator plate, it is located on the frame’s high tension coil), oiled lubricating felt, zinc plated mounting hardware, 3pc o-ring and a crank/plate seal. I will provide bench test videos (Cell phone text messages work great for sending short videos) validating proper voltage is being generated by both the primary and secondary coils before mailing it all back to you. Final adjustments of point gap are your responsibility, but I can generally send it back in a setting that should get your engine to fire over. I recommend setting your spark timing with a timing light to get the final say on advancement vs retardation.
My contact info is at the bottom of this page – Josh